Wednesday, October 25, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 66 (Admiral Wigmar)


Nachgeheim 11, 2500

Altdorf, Reikland

I'm officially the owner of a gun-armed Carrack and two cogs. All hail Admiral Wigmar, the Scourge of the Seas!

I've also recruited crews, including Captain Harrand Blacksword, formerly of Ulthuan, now commanding the Carrack. And a dwarf, Vaulk Forekbeard, from one of the northern sea-karaks.

The ships will depart for Salzenmund as soon as the crews, supplies, and cargo are in place. May Mannan guide and protect them.

It was nice staying at my Altdrof townhouse. My wedding gift from the Emperor. He wants me close.

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