Saturday, October 28, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 73 (The sea wolves' lair)


Kaldzeit 22, 2500

Dietershafen, Nordland

I've toured my realm and come to my final stop: Dietershafen, where the Emperor has commanded Baron Ludof Köhler to build him a mighty Second Fleet of twelve Great Ships. Already, three are being built and will be fitted with Salzenmund cannon once the forges are up to speed. It's a worthy endeavor, but unless we get the canal built, I cannot see this working in the long run. Without the canal, we will be at the mercy of Marienburg and her allies once the realize what we're up to. So we must confuse and obfuscate and placate until we are ready.

The Baron showed me the Nordland wolfships, I ordered some built for my own fleet, and we agreed to split coastal defense between us. I've also reinforced the Baron garrison and given orders to build additional fortifications around the undefended Imperial port. I've invited the Baron to Salzenmund Reformstile Mondstille, the Winter Solstice, where we will greet Soll together and speak of many things.

To be continued...

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