Sunday, October 29, 2023

Economic potential and military power of the Imperial Provinces (2500 IC)

Humans killing humans

Overview of the economy and militaries of the Imperial provinces. The Reikalnd is the most powerful and prosperous by a good margin. Wissenland and Talabecland follow not too far after, with Middenland and Averland barely making it into that second tier. Stirland and Ostland are further behind in development. There rest of the provinces are even less developed (The Moot is an oddity).

This information should be known to Wigmar. The number is for comparison purposes; it is, of course, not a value known in-universe.

Reikland [Altdorf] (47): The most heavily populated and civilized province. Access to the River Reik. Many secondary rivers and canals. Extensive trade with other provinces and foreign countries. Most important, however, is the culture of money-making that permeates Reikland society. From highborn to the poor, it's all about making money, closing one more deal, and striking rich.

Reikland has large armies, more than any other province, but these are a combination of Imperial regiments and feudal armies. The Reikland has begun the transition to gunpowder. Reikland artillery, for example, is quite good, but there are plenty of older forms of troops too. Pike, halberds, greatswords, crossbowmen, and more. Gun-armed infantry operates alongside all of this, but not in battalion-sized formations such as is found in Wissenland.

Wissenland [Nuln] (39): Wissenland is a well-developed province (except the southernmost areas of old Solland, which are still lightly populated and semi-desolate), centered around Nuln, the second largest city in the Empire. Trade and culture are booming, and the transition to gun and powder promises to make the city even richer.

Wissenland has the most hand gunners and the most artillery of any province. It's hard to say why Nuln is so obsessed with gunpowder, but it could be because they love the sciences and don't put much stock in magic. At any rate, the Elector-Countess is said to have six or more regiments of musket-armed infantry backed by mobile artillery and (admittedly second-rate) cavalry. The Nuln siege train is something to be feared - and if you want to attack the city, be prepared to face a lot of heavy guns.

Talabecland [Talabheim] (36): Centered on Talabheim, the Empire's third largest city, and well-connected to the great trade rivers, Talabecland is the heart of the central provinces. There is even brisk trade with Kislev, many leagues to the east.

Talabecland has a deep manpower pool and can (and has) field great armies. Their forces are a confused mix of the new and the old, state troops, feudal levies, and mercenaries. Unlike Reikland, there doesn't seem to be any sort of plan to transition from the old to the new. On the other hand, there is a quality in numbers - and Talabecland is wholly surrounded by Imperial provinces, without any external borders or major internal threats. 

Middenland [Middenheim] (30): Middenland is a large and varied province, with the population centers around Middenheim and the two great forest roads. What truly propels Middenland into the top-tier category are the lands around the Reik, especially Carroburg. What holds Middenland back is the lack of river/canal access to the wider Empire.  And then the fact that so much of the province is dense forest.

The state of Middenland's armies is much the same as in Talabecland. A mix of the old and the new, with more new found around Carroburg and less new around Middenheim. Middenland is curiously famous (for a forest realm) for the many orders of knights (heavy cavalry) it can field. While Middenheim has a handful of guns defending the walls (which aren't really needed), it's only around Carroburg that field artillery is catching on.

Averland [Averheim] (28): Averland is a fertile, prosperous province but remains largely rural and somewhat traditional-minded. Secondary access to the Reik by way of Nuln. Trade ties to remaining dwarf cities in the World's Edge Mountains and the South by way of the Black Fire Pass.

Averland's forces are rather traditional. Guns are present, but not in large numbers. Instead, Averland tends to employ lots of Tilean mercenaries for missile troops. Artillery is almost exclusively dwarf mercenaries, as Nuln has thus far refused to sell any guns to Averheim. Averland has the best heavy cavalry in the Empire. Averland pikes are also disciplined (and numerous). 

Stirland [Würtbad] (23): This vast province is similar to Averland but more remote, less modern, and generally isolated. Secondary access to the Reik by way of Kemperbad. Note that Stirland includes Sylvania; there is no such thing as an independent land of undead in this campaign!

Stirland's military is not modern at all. It has many of the failings of Averland but few of its strengths. About the only positive things are the Stirland militia - tough, resourceful, and damnably hard to break - and the Elector-Count's professional "Black Guard" based around Würtbad.

Ostland [Wolfenburg] (20): Ostland is potentially a rich realm, but it is physically remote and not as well-connected to the rest of the world as many other provinces. Still, there is a brisk trade with Talabheim (somewhat hampered by mutual animosity) and Kislev. Ostland also has to watch its borders, both external and internal, which are often troubled by enemies.

Ostland has some excellent light and heavy cavalry (hussars) but also relies heavily on mercenaries. This has brought many new impulses to the province over recent years, and the Elector-Count is trying to build up some musket-armed infantry and some artillery batteries. 

Hochland [Hergig] (16): The smallest Imperial province is also covered with forests and mountains, but the province is rich in resources and better developed than you'd think. Hochland is well-connected to the Empire's trade network by way of Talabheim.

Hochland is famous for its disciplined pike and halberd infantry, as well as its gun-armed skirmishes using the infamous Hochland long rifle. While there are no better gunners, and they are perfect for defending the valleys and passes of Hochland, they lack the numbers to be a decisive factor in open battle. Hochland artillery is nothing special except for their so-called "mountain guns," which are 2-4 pound guns specifically made to be mobile enough to be carried by donkeys (or even soldiers) over rough terrain. Hochland cavalry is not a factor.

Ostermark [Essen] (14): Ostermark is less developed than eastern and central provinces, but it's not a wasteland. Indeed, Ostermark enjoys rich farmlands and has many natural resources, as well as river access to both Talabheim and Kemperbad and shares a border with Kislev.

Ostermark's military has a lot of wild lands and border areas to contend with. As such, they have excellent scouts and light cavalry, partially inspired by their Kislevite cousins to the north. Other than that, their forces are nothing to write home about from a battlefield perspective. For raiding, scouting, and screening, you can't go wrong with Ostermark mercenaries.

Nordland [Salzenmund] (11): Nordland has a lot of natural resources, especially silver (as long as the mines hold out), salt, and fish (the last two will never run out). There is some trade with Middenheim and Ostland, but roads are poor and dangerous. Sea trade is also an important factor, but Nordland is still quite isolated from the rest of the Empire. If only there was a canal... and a fleet...

Nordland has some famous units, such as the Salzenmund greatswords, but it's Wigmar's new army that's the future.

Mootland [Eicheschatten] (7): The Moot is quite prosperous. While there are definitely poor halflings, it's nothing like the rest of the Empire. Most citizens live long, relatively peaceful lives and reliably get at least 3 meals a day (7 is what they aspire to).

The Moot does have a military, but it's only for self-defense. Units of halfling slingers are sometimes available as mercenaries. It is, however, as scouts (and cooks) halflings excel.

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