Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Electors of the Empire (2500 IC)

List of Electors in 2500 IC

Reikland (Emperor Lutipold Holswig-Schliestein): Long may he reign.

Wissenland (Emmanuelle von Liebwitz): They say this 45+-year-old princess has the body of a 25-year-old. They also say she has nothing but air between her ears and that she spreads her legs for any man. That's not bad for the ruler of one of the Empire's most powerful, prosperous, and modern-thinking provinces. 

Averland (Marius Leitdorf): This valiant warrior is in his mid-to-late-30s but still one of the Empire's finest knights. His 14-year-old niece is one of the Empire's most eligible bachelorettes. He's a staunch Sigmarite but a political pragmatist. Has an intense dislike of Emmanuelle von Liebwitz (but seems mellowed of late). 

Stirland (Alberich Haupt-Anderssen): Seems a quiet sort, most concerned with not getting dragged into something against his better judgment. Doesn't seem particularly fond of the Emperor or Altdorf, but he seems willing to support the status quo if that brings stability to the Empire.

the Moot (Hisme Stoutheart the Elder): The only halfring in the group. Seems a jovial sort, but probably isn't. Hard to read her. Some say she always the Holswig-Schliestein's, but it is probably more correct to say that she supports whatever the Prince of Stirland supports.

Talabecland (Helmut Feuerbach): This stern (some would say dour, if not outright sour) prince is said to rule his province with an iron fist but is said to be greatly loved, for he keeps his nobles in check and squeezes the guilders rather than the common folk. Likely to support a Todbringer-led faction if there is a vote.

Ostland (Hans-Hals Tasseninck): The father of Hergard (his only son and heir) is of the same generation as Emperor Lutipold, Boris, and Helmut Feuerbach. His political position is rather vague, but he hates Prince Feuerbach of Taabecland and treats Prince Ludenhof like a nitwit. Seems rather fond of Wigmar despite them hardly having met. 

Ostermark (Wolfram Hertwig): Vigorous man in his late 30s or early 40s. His chief concern is keeping Ostermark as independent as possible. Likely to vote for anything and anyone that reduces the power of Altdorf and the Emperor. Still, he supported the restoration of Nordland and (reluctantly) the creation of the Komission.

Nordland (Wigmar von Liberungen): The bestest little prince! Who knows what he'll do next!

Middenland (Boris Todbringer): About the same age (a few years older) as the Emperor/von Liebwitz/Feuerbach. He tried to become Emperor in his youth but failed. Since then, he's been a vocal, if somewhat independent prince. Professes to have given up his Imperial ambitions. 

Hochland (Aldebrand Ludenhof): Sourly man in his late 50s. Doesn't speak much, and when he talks, it's hard to understand what he's saying (partly because of his dialect, partly because he doesn't make sense).

Sigmar/Grand Theogonist (Yorri XV): The current Grand Theogonist, the 15th of his (assumed) name, is one of the Emperor's most ardent supporters, although you wouldn't necessarily notice it on a daily basis.

Sigmar/Arch Lector East (Aglim): The Arch Lector of the East is an old man now, but he still delivers rousing sermons. More of a preacher/missionary type. He's normally headquartered in Ostland, that great bastion of Sigmar in the northeast.

Sigmar/Arch Lector South (Kaslian): The Arch Lector of Nuln is newly appointed. He's said to be vigorous and militant, with experience both as a templar and a witch hunter. One wonders how well he'll fit in Nuln, a city renowned for its sophistication and love of science.

Ulric (Ar-Ulric Emil Valgeir): Generally in step with Todbringer. Quite friendly with Wigmar.

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