Saturday, October 28, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 69 (Third wedding)


Erentzeit 12, 2500

Salzenmund, Nordland

Married for the third time to the same woman, this time before the assembled priests of the North. It has to be some kind of record. I cherish my wife, but I hope this is the last time. At least for a long while.

All my troops, artillery, and support are now in Salzenmund. All working hard to make sure we get through winter. Purchasing those ships and extra supplies was a stroke of genius. Otherwise, I suspect that come spring, we would have been as hated as the Todbringers.

At any rate, there are too many men to be hanging out in Salzenmund. I will dispatch one regiment to the coast, one company each to Dietershafen, Neues Emskrank (perhaps I'll rename it Neue Liberungen), and Norden. Smaller mounted detachments to patrol and garrison lesser watchtowers and forts.

No sign of Ulfberth, Thesalva, and Anna.

I will now go to the coast to inspect my holdings there.

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