Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Lore of Heaven (Updated)


Version: 0.9 (2023-10-18)

Lore of Heaven (Celestial)

The Lore of the Heavens is the magic of the sky and stars, of portents, fate, and the movement of heavenly bodies. More commonly known as Astromancy, it is based on manipulating Azyr, the Blue Wind of Magic.

Magisters of this lore are known as Celestial Wizards, famed oracles, diviners, and masters of the skies and stars.

Lore Skill: Academic Knowledge (Astronomy)


Aethyric Whispers (Omen)

MR: 1

CT: 1 minute

Difficulty: Normal (+0), Simple (+10) if you can see the stars

Components: An arcane almanac (+5) or the liver of a small animal (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Consider a course of action.

If the spell is successfully cast, the GM will make a hidden Int test. If successful, the GM will truthfully—but vaguely—reply if the course of action is favorable or not.

The difficulty of the Int test is Normal (+0) if the action is straightforward and to be taken in the immediate future. More convoluted and distant actions have higher difficulties.

Clear Skies

MR: 1

CT: Full

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: Eagle’s feather (+5)*

Range: Sight

Target: Clouds

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Clear the sky of clouds in a diameter of MRx100 yards. Depending on the wind and cloud cover, this could provide clear skies for a while or just a fleeting moment. The spell will also (temporarily) stop precipitation in the affected area.

First Portent of Amul

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0). Every subsequent time you cast this spell without taking a Long rest (a good night’s sleep) first, the difficulty is cumulatively increased by 1.

Components: A piece of glass (+5)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You gain 1 Fortune point that must be spent during the next round. After that, you cannot spend Fortune points until you take a Short rest.


Lightning Bolt

MR: 2

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close/Short, Challenging (-10) at Medium

Components: A silver tuning fork (+5) or a piece of wood struck by lightning (+10)*

Range: Medium

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Conjure a magic missile that does MRx2+3 damage and has AP 4 vs. metal armor (typically medium and heavy armor). On a critical success, the target gains Stunned 1.

Second Portent of Amul

MR: 2

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10). This spell cannot be cast again without taking a Long rest first.

Components: A piece of stained glass (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You gain 2 Fortune points that must be spent within the next hour or before daybreak, whatever comes first.

After that, you cannot spend Fortune points until you take a Long rest.

Wind Blast

MR: 2

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0) at Close-Medium, Challenging (-10) at Long

Components: An animal bladder (+10)*

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MR rounds

Description: Anyone in the AoE is knocked down and gains the Prone condition unless they make a Successful Ag test. Large targets and targets with more than 2 legs gain a bonus, and fliers get a penalty (and could be knocked out of the sky if they are flying very low).

Movement in the affected area is halved, and missile attacks out of/through the area suffer a -20 penalty.


Curse of the Heavens

MR: 3

CT: Half

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: Pieces of a broken mirror (+10)*

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature

Duration: MR hours

Description: Target suffers a -10 penalty on all tests, and all attacks against it do +1 damage.

The spell does not stack.

Third Portent of Amul

MR: 3

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A perfectly ground crystal (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Description: You may reroll the next Critical Hit you score; you may choose either result.

Wings of Heaven

MR: 3

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A stone figurine of a flying creature (+5) or pair of dove’s wings (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR minutes

Description: You are carried by heavenly winds and can fly at Speed 8 (about as fast as a horse) for MR minutes.

Flying in this manner requires concentration, and you must land if you wish to attack, cast spells, or do anything other than move.

If you attack as you land, this counts as a charge attack (+10 WS).


Astral Projection

MR: 4

CT: 2 Full

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: An object from another dimension (+10) or a drop of divine blood (+15)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR hours

Description: Your spirit slips free from your body. While in spirit form, you are invisible but can see and hear normally.

While you can go anywhere you like, you are still limited by the laws of the mortal world. Thus, you cannot fly or move through walls or doors, and you cannot manipulate solid objects because you are bodiless. You can will yourself to move through openings that you could ordinarily slip through, such as an open window or slipping in behind a guard when he opens a door, for example.

Before the spell ends, you must re-enter your body. If you are somehow prevented from doing so, your consciousness returns to your body, but you gain 1 Insanity Point. You may not cast this spell on others.

Chain Lighting

MR: 4

CT: Full

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: A silver tuning fork (+5) or a piece of wood struck by lightning (+10)*

Range: Long

Target: Up to MR creatures within the Large AOE

Duration: Instantaneous

Effect: As the Lightning Bolt spell, but you may strike up to MR targets, all of whom must be within the area of the Large AoE template.


MR: 4

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: A star chart (+10)

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: MR minutes

Description: You call down the light of the stars. The starlight reveals all that is hidden. Darkness (both magical and mundane) is banished, the invisible is made visible, hidden or disguised characters are exposed, and secret areas (doors, chambers, etc.) are revealed.


Fate of Doom

MR: 5

CT: 1 minute

Difficulty: Hard (-40) if you have a drop of blood from the target, Impossible (-100) if you do not.

Components: The noose of a hanged man (+15)*

Range: Sight

Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1 day

Description: You reveal the character’s Dooming, and twist the strands of fate in such a way as to expedite the character’s demise.

Unless the target succeeds at Hard (-40) WP test, the world will conspire to kill him before his time. How this plays out is entirely up to the GM.

While affected by this spell, the target cannot make any rerolls (not from any sources, talents, fortune, whatever).

The spell ends if the target is still alive at the end of 24 hours, and the target can never again be the target of this spell.

If cast on a creature with Fate Points, that creature may choose to burn 1 Fate to avoid the spell's effect.

Lightning Storm

MR: 5

CT: Full

Difficulty: Hard (-40)

Components: A silver tuning fork (+5) or a piece of wood struck by lightning (+10)*

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You summon an Aethyric lightning storm from the Realm of Chaos. It may appear anywhere, from the deepest sewer to the wildest heath.

It works like the Chain Lightning spell, but there is no limit to the number of targets that can be hit.



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