Saturday, October 28, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 72 (Autumn is here)


Brauzeit 13, 2500

Salzenmund, Nordland

Autumn is well and truly over us - that was readily apparent as well drove back to Salzenmund. I really must get that road fixed; I grow weary of the mud and the bumps.

There is much to do before winter sets in. I shall tour the coastal parts of my realm, especially the port city of Dietershafen. We shall make ready for winter and continue to prepare for the future.

Ulli Jenk has finished the lesser tasks assigned to him and is now pursuing the canal project with all his vigor. He seems... obsessed with the task. This will be his mangus opus - it will make him a legend or kill him. I hope for the former... the latter will kill my treasury as well.

I think perhaps Katarina is with a child. She has not said anything, and it would be impolite to inquire, but a husband knows such things. Also, I have magic.

I dream more often now. Of Ghal Maraz, the Lost Hammer of Sigmar. And of Thesalva, lost in the unforgiving north.

The hammer is always in a cave, hidden somewhere far from here. I know not where, and the cave is never exactly the same twice. There is something in that cave, something dark, hidden beyond the hammer, waiting, calling...

Bringing Alaric the Mad was a wise move, I think. Or a lucky hunch. He reads my rune sword better than any dwarf before him. The caveat is that no one really understands Elvish written with dwarven proto-runes. It's a made-up language of magic used only for a brief time, then forgotten. But Alaric will delve into it, and soon, I think, we shall have its secrets.

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