Thursday, October 12, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 54 (Return to Altdorf)

12 Nachhexen, 2500

Altdorf, Reikland 

I have returned to Altdorf.

But now that I am here, I long for the northern lights again. For the longest time, I had imagined my destiny to lie in the South, in Solland or Araby. But it is to Ulric's domain I must go. At least for now.

The trip south was not uneventful. We caught one lieutenant of the Purple Hand fleeing Middenheim. An unexpected boon but a welcome one, to be sure. We also witnessed a strange green lightning flicker between the Middle Mountains and Morrslieb, followed by chunks of what I believe to be warpstone falling from the sky. The smaller fragments may have burned up like shooting stars, but some larger lumps have surely impacted the world. To the far north, for the most part, I believe. 

The Emperor seemed most pleased about my report from Middenheim and made vague promises for grand rewards. I like better concrete results, but I shall be patient since he is my Emperor. 

Princess Isadora - or Bella as she insists I call her (I refuse, of course) - was also most pleased to meet me again, and we had a most wonderful time. She would make a fine wife, I am sure, but she is not for me. My path lies with the Todbringers. I am certain of this.

Liebe Mutter was also pleased to hear of the Komission. She will continue to work towards uniting the disparate witch-hunting communities into one unified Inquisition.

I had a strange vision one night of a hammer hidden in a cave. I am sure it was Ghal Maraz, the hammer of Sigmar, though I do not yet understand the significance of this vision. I tried asking Ankh, but it was no vision of his.

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