Friday, October 13, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 56 (They dug too deep/wings of fury)


4 Jahrdrung, 2500

Middenheim, Middenland 

I can't seem to leave the North...

One thing led to another, and suddenly, I found myself riding east to the Middle Mountains in search of more Skaven. A mining town had gone quiet, as in completely dead, and we discovered quite the lair of vile ratmen beneath the mountains. We took care of them, and Baron Heinrich is now garrisoning the site with a reinforced battalion.

We also ran into some horribly mutated griffons. Slaughtered them all, of course. I suspect they came from the Middle Mountains. Were they exposed to warpstone? Did a chunk of Morrslieb land there? I suspect so, but it is impossible to be certain.

The Skaven were in possession of a lot of gunpowder, locally made up by Brass Keep. I should probably investigate, but I don't feel like it. Instead, I've returned to Middenheim and have sent for my finest regiment. I shall wait for them here, then go north to visit my Nordland holdings.

Made a few new friends along the way: a peddler (who now works as a spy for me in Salzenmund), a huntress, and a forest baron.

A Prince and an Elector, married to high nobility. Who would have thought it possible? And in the future? Marienburg? Araby? Perhaps even Lustria?

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