Wednesday, October 25, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 64 (Slow boat to Kemperbad)


Geheimnistag, 2500

Wittgendorf, Reikland

Spend nearly two weeks riding from Übersreik to Nuln with the Prince of Averland. The Prince is a nobleman of the old guard; he likes traditions, chivalry, and old bloodlines. We got along splendidly thanks to a combination of my martial prowess and my equally fine pedigree. He treated me no worse than Todbringer or the Emperor.

Spent some time in Nuln as well. Wolfgang Hird has the Wisseland Inquisitorial coin. Von Liebwitz and Leitdorf got along much better than expected. None of that old, bitter animosity that has plagued their relationship. The Countess really is a new person. 

Reports of increased Greenskin activity in the southern mountains. I'm not going to visit the Border Princes, nor is Solland my concern. The Countess should be able the handle this; she's got ten regiments for Soll's sake. If the orks stay in the mountains, fine. If they don't, they die.

Before parting ways, Leitdorf invited me to Averheim. If not, we will meet in Parravon next year. We'll see.

I spent what free coin I had (and some credit arranged through Adler) to buy up as much grain, meats, and other supplies as we could carry (and then some). Add this to the stuff leftover from the tourney and other purchases, and I think we shall get through the Nordland winter. Expensive, to be sure, but better than having a lot of dead horses and half-starved soldiers. All I need are a few ships to sail it all through Marienburg before the autumn storms close the Sea of Claws. We'll find some when we get to Altdorf.

We stopped, mostly on a whim, at Wittgendorf on the Day of Mysteries. What a disappointment. None of the Reiksguard I knew were there anymore, and the prisoner remains secure.

Oh well, on to Kemperbad!

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