Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Lore of Light (Updated)


Version: 0.9 (2023-10-18)

Lore of Light (Light)

The Lore of Light is the magic of physical and mental illumination. Based on manipulation of Hysh, the White Wind of Magic, this lore is about truth, wisdom, radiant power, and life-giving energy.

Magisters of this lore are known as Hierophants or Light Wizards, and they are wise philosophers, potent healers, and fearless Daemonbanishers.

Lore Skill: Heal

MR 1

Clarity of Mind

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A clear glass bead (+5)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: MR hours

Description: Reduce the penalty (such as from high difficulty, fatigue, or whatever) applied to the target’s Int, WP, or Fel tests.

Each creature can only be affected once by this spell; if cast again, choose the same or another characteristic.

Dazzling Brightness

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A small mirror (+5)

Range: Medium

Target: Small AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Targets within the AoE gain Blinded 1.

Multiple castings do not stack.

MR 2

Healing of Hysh

MR: 2+

CT: Full

Difficulty: Normal (+0), Difficult (-20) if the target is Heavily injured, Hard (-40) if Critically injured

Components: A vial of purified and sanctified water (+10)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 injured living creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Touch an injured target (including yourself) to heal MRx3 Wounds.

You cannot heal the same target repeatedly unless it suffers additional Wounds.

The spell cannot heal the effects of Critical injuries, only Wounds.


MR: 2

CT: 1 minute

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A page torn from a book related to the subject (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Your next Knowledge test gains a +30 bonus.

Radiant Gaze

MR: 2

CT: Full

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A glass lens (+5)

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Conjure a magic missile that does MRx2+6 damage.

Shimmering Cloak

MR: 2

CT: Half

Difficulty: Normal (+0)

Components: A candle (+5)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR minutes

Description: All non-magical ranged attackshave their base damage reduced by 4 to a minimum of 0.

MR 3

Banish Fiend

MR: 3

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A holy artifact (+10) or a sliver of bone from a saint (+15)*

Range: Medium

Target: 1 otherworldly creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: That target is banished back to its home realm unless it makes a successful WP test.

Despite the spell’s name, it can banish any otherworldly creature, such as elemental spirits and incorporeal undead (but not corporeal undead), not just daemons of Chaos.

Blinding Light

MR: 3

CT: Full

Difficulty: Challenging (-10)

Components: A polished gromnil disk (+10) or a feather from an angel’s wing (+15)*

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Targets gain Blinded 4 unless they make a successful Agility test, in which case they only gain Blinded 2.

Multiple castings do not stack.

Healing Circle

MR: 3

CT: Full

Difficulty: Normal (+0), Difficult (-20) if the target is Heavily injured, Hard (-40) if Critically injured

Components: A vial of purified and sanctified water (+10)*

Range: Self

Target: Small AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: As Healing of Hysh, but instead of healing the caster MRX3 Wounds, it restores MR Wounds to the caster and all allies at Close range. All other restrictions apply.

MR 4

Eyes of Truth

MR: 4

CT: Full

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: A perfect glass sphere coated in gold leaf (+15)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: MR rounds

Description: Everything is revealed. Ignores all forms of illusions, invisibility, darkness, disguises, and stealth (both magical or mundane).

Greater Healing

MR: 4

CT: 2 Full

Difficulty: Difficult (-20)

Components: A vial of purified and sanctified water (+10)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 injured living creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: As Healing of Hysh, but the difficulty is not impacted by the target’s injuries, and it also removes the following conditions from the target: Bleeding, Blinded, Deafened, Stunned, and Unconscious (you obviously can’t cast a spell on yourself while Stunned, but you can cast it on others). Note that the spell does NOT affect Fatigue or Prone conditions.

The spell prevents Festering Wounds and reduces the severity of Broken Bones and Torn Muscles (major becomes minor, minor are ignored). The spell CANNOT restore amputated body parts or conditions incurred by losing body parts.

MR 5


MR: 5

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Hard (-40)

Components: A holy artifact (+10) or a sliver of bone from a saint (+15)*

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You cast a group of Daemons back to whence they came. Affected Daemons must make a successful WP test or be banished to the Realm of Chaos.

Pillar of Radiance

MR: 5

CT: Full

Difficulty: Hard (-40)

Components: Diamond worth at least 100GC (+10)*

Range: Long

Target: Large AoE

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You focus and concentrate the energy of Hysh into a deadly column of burning light that harm

Targets within the AoE suffer the effects of both the Radiant Gaze and Blinding Light spells. Daemons take double damage and gain Blindness 8 unless they make an Ag test (in which case they gain Blindness 4).

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