Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Petty Magic


Petty Magic



MR: 1

CT: Full

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A clean rag (+5)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 object with Enc up to 75

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: A piece of equipment is cleaned to spotlessness.


MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A dab of butter (+5)*

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You compel the target to drop whatever he is holding. The target can resist with a successful WP test.


MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A drop of lamp oil (+5)*

Range: Personal

Target: 1 object you’re holding

Duration: 1 hour

Description: You can cause any item in your grasp to glow like a lantern. If you drop the item, the spell ends.

Magic Dart

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Average (+0)

Components: A small dart (+5)

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: You throw a dart of magical force at the target. This is a magic missile that automatically hits for 1d010+WP bonus damage. Roll for hit location. Armor protects normally.


MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A piece of down  (+5)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1d10 rounds

Description: Target fall into a slumber unless a WP test is made. Sleeping characters are Prone and Unconscious 


Blessing of Courage

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components:  Tuft of dog hair (+5)*

Range: Close

Target: 1 creature that’s Frightened or Terrified

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Your inspirational words put fire in the heart of an ally. Target immediately regains his composure and may once again act as normal.

Blessing of Fortitude

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A piece of a turtle shell (+5)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Description: Target gains +5 T and WP.

Blessing of Healing

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A sprig of holly (+5)*

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature that is Lightly injured

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: Target recovers 1 Wound. That character cannot be magically healed again until it suffers additional wounds. The target also gains a +10 bonus to T to avoid Festering Wounds and similar effects.

Blessing of Might

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: An iron nail (+5)*

Range: Touch

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Description: Target gains +5 WS and S.

Blessing of Protection

MR: 1

CT: Full

Difficulty: Average (+10)

Components: Holy symbol (+5)

Range: Personal

Target: You

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Description: You receive the protection of your patron deity. Anyone who tries to attack (or otherwise harm) you must make a successful Simple (+10) WP test. Those that fail must pick another target or take a different action.

Blessing of Speed

MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: Holy symbol (+5)

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: 1 minute (6 rounds)

Description: Target gains +1 M and +5 Ag.



Hex (Ill Fortune)

MR: 1

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A crude doll of the victim (+5)

Range: Touch

Target: 1 object

Duration: 1 day

Description: You enchant an item so its bearer is cursed with bad luck. You must be able to touch the thing to cast the spell (if the item is on someone’s person, the rules for touch spells apply).

For the next 24 hours, the bearer of the cursed item suffers a -10 penalty to all test. The bearer will be highly reluctant to part with the object but is allowed a WP test to break the spell’s effect if the curse is pointed out to him.

Ghost Step

MR: 1

CT: Full + Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A pinch of sand (+5)*

Range: Self

Target: You

Duration: 1 hour

Description: You leave no visible tracks, no matter what type of terrain you are walking through. Anyone trying to Track you suffers a –30 penalty.

Marsh Lights

MR: 1

CT: Full

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A firefly (+5)*

Range: Long

Target: Small AoE

Duration: 10 minutes

Description: You create a brace of distant lights that suggest torches or lanterns. After creation, you can send them off in any direction. They naturally follow corridors or paths and do not need to be controlled or overseen. You can control them more closely if desired, but only as long as they remain in line of sight. You can’t perform any other actions while directly controlling the lights.


MR: 1

CT: Half

Difficulty: Simple (+10)

Components: A small pin (+5)

Range: Touch

Target: 1 creature

Duration: Instantaneous

Description: The target gains MR stunned conditions unless it makes a successful WP test.



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