Saturday, October 28, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 71 (The Return of the Flame)


Don't feed the Wolf

Brauzeit 6, 2500

Middenheim, Middenland

The true flame of Ulric has been delivered to the High Temple of the White Wolf, and Ar-Ulric sings out praises - and that of his brother, Soll. Ulfberth was named First Protector of the Flame, a high office reserved for knights of the inner circle. 

We can never speak of what took place - or of the elven artifact now hidden in the temple's vaults. But I do wonder: was ever Ulric's true flame in Middenheim? I must have been. But when was it extinguished, and why? Whatever the case, Magnus the Pious could not rekindle it, so he must have turned to his elven allies. Quite clever, but cruel and disrespectful to Ulric, I suppose.

Spent some time with Father Boris. Talked about politics, family, and the future. But mostly of the Great Northern Canal. It MUST be built, through Hochland and into Talabecland. That is the easiest, if not shortest, route, and will leave it free of direct control from Altdorf. All I now need are some master engineers, ten years, and hundreds of thousands of gold crowns. Brilliant. 

Relatedly: The Graf - and everyone else - seems obsessed with me getting Katarina pregnant. Well, it's not for lack of trying, I can tell you that. The woman is insatiable.

The Komission informed me that Deputy High Wizard Janna Eberhauer had gone missing. She was in Altdorf this summer but never arrived back in Middenheim. Nastassia is looking into it. Might be nothing, could be something.

Anyway. Back to Salzenmund and winter.

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