Wednesday, October 25, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 65 (Breakfast at the Plunge)

Nachgeheim 4, 2500

Kemperbad, Reikland

I spent lazy days in Kemperbad. Always good to be back. Food. Brandy. Tobacco. 

Surprised to learn Katarina does not appreciate the city like I do. I guess our tastes differ. She's a princess brought up in a palace with Altdorf and Nuln under her belt. No one took the plunge while we ate at the Plunge. Just as well, perhaps. Katarina must have seen people tossed from the walls of Middenheim; a little dive into the Reik won't impress her.

Talked business with Otto. About the special cargo and the possibility of a canal by way of Taalabheim, Hochland, and Middenland to Salzenmund. He was happy with our Middenheim affairs but slightly worried about competition from Altdorf. I told him to relax. It'll be fine.

Also met with a certain fiery troubadour. I really shouldn't, but I always do. She was in Altdorf for my wedding but said she never wanted to go back to Übersreik. Vaguely disappointing, if understandable -  and wise.

On to Altdorf, then Middenheim - and my next wedding!

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