Saturday, October 28, 2023

Nine Princesses for the Crown Prince


Finding a good match for Karl-Franz is important because it provides a symbol of continuity and stability (especially if he can get an heir himself). On the other hand, having an unmarried heir has its advantages too...

The woman has to be the correct age, untouched, virtuous, healthy, etc. Religion is also a consideration; a Reikland Emperor could get in trouble at home for marrying his heir to an Ulrician or Taal-worshipper. Appearance is less important, but let's be honest: the heir to the Empire doesn't want to marry an ugly woman.

The Electors are unlikely to want to marry away anyone who has a direct claim to their thrones. That could complicate matters and be unpopular in their home realms. So that means either a distant relative of a ruling family or a candidate from one of the premier families from their realms.

Fidelia Leitdorf von Averland (b. 2486): The niece of the Elector-Count of Averland. She's a bit on the young side, but that'll sort itself out. They do, however, say she's a bit too skinny to be a good child-bearer, which could be a major issue for a future Emperor. Fidelia seemed (and still seems) a good fit for Karl-Franze, so why does it seem she's no longer a candidate?

Helga Grün von Wartenhof (b. 2485): This dark-haired beauty is said to be turning heads at court in Würtbad (Stirland). She already has many suitors. fortunately, her family is rather minor, and while they have extensive lands, they lie deep in Sylvania - not exactly the heartland of the Empire. She's also rumored to be half Strigany, which is likely untrue and a vile insult.

Ingrid Gausser the Younger (b. 2484): Quite attractive and of the right age. The Gaussers, however, may be high nobility in Nordland, but not on the Imperial scale. Still, with Nordland now restored, she deserves mention. 

Veranda von Bildhofen (b. 2483): Second daughter of the Duke of Carroburg. She's the right age, of a fine family (rich and powerful), and is said to be very pleasant to look at. They also say she's got quite the appetite for a woman her age, whatever that means. Since the Emperor and Boris are on better terms, Veranda is less eligible: choosing her could be seen as the Emperor trying to influence one of Todbringer's most important vassals.

Etelka Toppenheim von Sudenland (b. 2482): The youngest daughter (her sisters are at least 10 years older) of the Baron of Sudenland (a barony in old Solland). A bit too rustic (read: not rich enough) and not of the best family, but she's said to be attractive and healthy (read: the women of her clan get a lot of children).

Gretel Krieglitz (b. 2481): The headstrong (the red-heads often are) daughter of one of Talabecland's foremost vassals. Unfortunately, she's Ulrician, and her father is on bad terms with Count Feuerbah, so choosing her would be an insult.

Andrea von Pfeildorf (b. 2481): Wissenland high nobility. Would be a good candidate, but her uncle was executed following the late unpleasantness, so the family isn't exactly well regarded at the moment.

Katarina Todbringer (b. 2479): The Princess is bastard born but recognized. Quite attractive, but a bit old. There has to be something wrong with her, right? She's now married. Also, despite being bastard born, she's too closely related to Graf Todbringer, so was never a good match.

Emmanuelle von Liebwitz (b. ????): She's childless and unmarried but hardly "pure." Also way too old and an Elector in her own right. Out of the question.

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