Saturday, October 14, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 60 (The siege of Brass Keep)


18 Pflugzeit, 2500

Brass Keep picket, Eastern Middenland

The last week has been quite eventful.

Various factions have vied for control over Brass Keep and its "treasure" of warpstone. Chaos, Undead, Skaven, Greenskins, and humans. Despite some setbacks regarding a Skaven ploy to destroy our supplies of powder, I am happy to report an Empire victory. Thousands and thousands of enemies lie dead in the valley, burning as I write this to prevent them from being raised again. We hold the Keep, and the Stone (and a certain axe) are being covered in heavy lead plating. The Middenlanders under Heinrich One-Eye shall remain in force to make sure the Keep does not fall again.

In other news, my cavalry contingent has finally arrived, and with them, Ankh, our Lord of Light, beloved of Soll, and so forth. The infantry and the artillery have not yet arrived, and no one can tell me anything of their progress. No matter. Ankh and the soldiers will go to Salzenmund.

I've also had a vision of Ulfberth and the others. Granted me by Ulric, I believe. They are indeed in Norscan lands, far to the north, in the mountains, seeking the true flame of Ulric.

I will head for Altdorf at speed. My wife-to-be is getting impatient. We're talking about the ball at least once a day, and it's starting to become tiresome. Best get this over with.

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