Friday, October 13, 2023

From the Journal of one Wigmar Heck, pt 55 (Power under the throne - aka something ratty in Middenheim)


26 Nachhexen, 2500

Middenheim, Middenland 

I am returned to the City of the White Wolf.


Perhaps I could bear to be apart from my lovely wife-to-be, Katarina? Perhaps I feared for the life of my future father-in-law, Boris? Perhaps I felt the call of the Wolf? Ankh commanded me? I grew restless?

It matters not why. I am here now - and twice the hero of yesteryear.

I am pleased to write that we've uncovered - and stopped - a Skaven plot to weaken or even overthrow Middenheim. The Yellow Fang is a cult dedicated to the, perhaps not true worship, but the overlordship, of the vile ratmen. Can you believe it? I scarce can't. The Dark Powers are vile and dangerous and despicable, but at least they are mightily and strangely seductive. But to bow down before walking, talking rats, so filthy and base as to be impossible to write down? Incomprehensible.

Be that as it may. We've cleaned out the Yellow Fang and stopped an attempt at the Graf's life (well, he actually stopped that one himself). Furthermore, I am no longer alone in recognizing the threat posed from below. The Komission will double its efforts to monitor the Undercity.

I am even more pleased to write that I've taken my relationship with Katarina to new heights. The Graf seems not to object to our deepening affection. Indeed, I think that perhaps we shall be married for real. And what will Katarina's dowry amount to? No less than Nordland.

I am less pleased to write that Thesalva, Ulfberth, and Anna have apparently gone on a trip to Nordland. I cannot imagine why. Indeed, it is my firm belief that they have not but are instead undercover closer by. I shall soon be proven right.

In the meantime, I shall enjoy Middenheim, and prepare to return to Altdorf.

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